Patent number(s):
Patent owner / licensing entity:
Date the letter was sent:
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Published to Trolling Effects on:
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Law firm or agent (if any):
i `Z in r‘‘'' ‘ iwvnreness tlcsponse tjonrrol
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Attn: i)l!l'Cl]2`iSlIl|Y Aichi
Utility Associates, Inc. ("Utility") is the owner of Boykin United States Patent No. 6,831,556
(thc "Boykin potent'*) (attached). The Boykin patent relates to mobile video surveillance systems
and methods. Utility has successfully manrrlscuired and sold sr mobile video surveil.lsnce system
that is covered by the Boykin potent. Consequently, the Boykin patent hss enjoyed rr high degree
ofcommerciai success, and il major mobile video surveillance system provider has nlrendy paid
lor a license under the Boykin pstcnt.
As your office considers the purchase ofrnobilc video surveillance systems for its public sntety
operations, you should consider the consequences of purchasing such mobile video surveillance
systems from third parties that are not licensed under the Boykin potent. if your office purchases
mobile video surveillance systems that are covered b· the claims of the Boykin potent and that
nrc not licensed under the Boykin patent, the ts liable for patent irilringenient as a
result of the use of such infringing mobile video surveillnnee systems. lndingentent
may subject the to an injunction against further use of the infringing mobile video
surveillance systems und may result in an sword ol` damages not less than ar rezrsonablc royalty,
treble damages, attorney tees, nnd prejudgmcnt interest. Moreover, Utility is entitled to collect
dunno es directly from the user of the infringing mobile video surveillance systems leaving the
hleft with wlistevcr value any indemnity from the seller of the im‘i·inging mobile
video surveillance systems might he worth if` the seller does not have substantial financial
Tlie-rel`ore, in order to avoid the adverse consequences that may result from the purchase of
infringing and unlicensed mobile surveillance systems, your oftice should consider purchasing
its mobile video surveillance system needs from Utility.
Sincerely, fg
Robert S. McKeeman
Clurirman and CEO
Smith, Gzrmbrell & Russell
1484 Brockett Road Tucker, GA 30084 utilitycom
Sender business address:
1484 Brockett Road
Tucker, GA 30084
United StatesPatent Information
Composite mobile digital information system
Patent number: US6831556