Patent owner / licensing entity: 
Date the letter was sent: 
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Published to Trolling Effects on:

Tuesday, July 30, 2013
( » ` $ P Qmiygz im Mas; 13., 2011 via Federal Express Scutrimj. CO SUEDE mf- Re; mfrmgemant of U.S. Patent Nas. 5,§99,F$QS; 32133,834, 7,222,078, and ?,€§2G,565 wxbelnw) Lndsys, LLC 21 Texas limited Siabiiihg cmmpamr §s the awnar 0f United Srsateea Pamms 5,999,903, 7,133,835, 7,£22,U'?8, and ?,€s2<§,565 {me "Lcsdsxss Patsrsts"). The Ladsys Patents are directed to systems and methmia fm prszvidezrs of products aandfur sczmaccas tn interact with users uf those prcsducis and services tc gazhesr §m‘a1rmati¤n from thcss users and transmit that irsfarmatizm to the: pmvidér. Aitaclwexl i$ rs complete copy of the *9GB patenz as well as remain pages of the ‘83·¤, TUS, and BSS psatams for yam: review. The imranticnse described by theses patemts are used by companies to interact with users uf their products and sssrvicss ics, among Other thingy • prcviéa nmiine help, custamer suppmrt, and tutmriais ¤ ccmduci marine subsm·i;>ti<>n remezwats • provide fm cmlinea purchasing of ccmsurmsbia suppiies • survey users for their imprassmns of their products and services ~ assist cuzaizcamers to customize their products and services • qiisplm; interactive unlme advedisanvssuts ¤ r;0¥§a•;;t iszf¤m1atiun cn how ussrs actuaiky use their products and ssarvi<:2S ¤ sail upgrades mr cmmplimentary products • maintain prnciunts by gxrcwidmg users notice of available updates and assssimg in the instailatiuzw of thnse updates. Smma of the benefiis wrnpaniczs receives from using these inventions are: • incsaasad product sales (of consumables? subscriptions, and cumpiemsmtarv prcnducts} • increased eszidkzicmai revenues {of irvpnvducx digits! items and interactive advertising} ¤ mare amcient design of subscequent products {through faster time to rnarket, better targeted features, amd the abiiity 10 inierastivzaiy update products in tha fieid) ¤ grazmar customer satisfaction {mth in terms of future pmduct ·:§ew¤§¤;:mem as A result ci consumer irepu: ansi through keeping pcvducts up tn dam or providing mma ehfactivsa anime hem rss0am;€,·s in a cost efficient manner). The irwsmions cieteaited in tha: various niaims cf these params·a deveacpad by Daniel Abahow, Sm expert in usability and in thee organization, presentaticm, and incuvpmaticm, af information in wmbséies, SGS Em? 'irqwis Swaai § Siuihe § Mamkaii ?‘3< ZBISSEWB Q »»wx·s.i¤dsys.:arsz tod t.t.tI products, services, and enterprise systems. Dan earned a Bachelors of Science in Economics degree from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania in 1971 and a masters degree from l-larvarcl University, which included graduate work at the Massachusetts institute of Technology. As an independent consultant on presenting information via the internet, Dan';. clients have included companies such as Accenture, Agilent Technologies, Cisco, Harvard Business School, l8M, and Lotus Development. To date, companies including · Adobe, American Express, Apple, eBay, Google, lntuit, Microsoft, Nokia, Noi:ia—5iernens, Nvidia, Sony, Sony—Ericsson, Verizon, Yahoo and several other Fortune 1000 companies — have chosen to license the Lodsys Patents. We have reviewed your use of the Lodsys Patents and have prepared the enclosed claim chart demonstrating at least one instance of how you utilize the inventions embodied in the Loclsys Patents. The images used in the charts are representative only and in addition to the charted claim of the referenced patent, you should consider the remaining claims of that patent and the other Lodsys Patents both with respect to the charted utilization and to other products and services offered by you. The Lorzlsvs Licensing Opportunity Lodsys’ patented technology provides numerous benefits to your company by reducing costs, increasing customer satisfaction, increasing revenues, and providing customer data and impressions that allow you to build more effective and relevant products faster and with greater certainty of meeting real customer needs. This is made possible by your collection of customer product usage details, demographic information, impressions on the usefulness of features or relevance of advertisements, and desires to customize your products or services and in what manner. lt further occurs through the sale of consumable supplies and product upgrades or enhancements, the sale of complementary products, sales of subscription renewals, the provision of online support (to discover what customers do not understand or are having troubles with), and in product (or in website) customer satisfaction surveys and interactive advertising. These actions among many other instances of customer data collection, provide you with the opportunity to sell more products and services, build new versions faster in a competitive marketplace, have greater relevancy of your products and services (leading to greater customer satisfaction and greater brand value). We are interested in reaching a negotiated nonditigation licensing arrangement with you for all of your uses of the Loclsys Patents under your brand names and would like to discuss this matter with you within 21 days of your receipt of this letter. Please contact the undersigned at your earliest convenience. Lodsys, LLC Lodsys is a limited liability company based in Marshall, Texas. We have retained the firms of Kelley, Doriion, Gill, Huck Si Goldfarb PLLC (www.kdg— teased in Seattle, Washington, and The {Davis SG5 East Travis street Suite EG? 1 tvlarshait TH 356}*0 i wwvv.lodssys.tosn L¤·s:3$g»~·ss iii Firm, P.C. (www.bc§firm<c0m) based in Longview, Texas, to assist the company in the licensing of the Lcdsys Patents. Sincerely, Mark Small, CEO Lodsys, LLC l\/Iark.Smai\@L¤ {903) 9356202 Enclosures (3) Nsztice Lcdsys LLC reserves al! rights with regard in the '9D8, *834, ‘O7S, and '555 params, including: {1) zhe right to seek damages anytime wizhin the {ast six years that your company started in make use ni L¤dsy<’ p.¤t»=ntnd technology; (2) the right {0 change its royalty rates at any time; (3) the right to change this Iicansing program az any time without notice, including variance to cnnfnrm to apphcabic Saws. You ahould not rely on any commumcariun ur rack uf ccmmunicauun from Lcdsys, Keklev, Dcmiun, GHI, Huck 84 Goldfarb PLLC, or The Davis Firm Group as a winquishmcnt cf any of Ludsyy rights, SGS East Travis Barrie? § Exsks 263* i Marskvw §>z·3s>;$,cr1z¤>
Sender business address: 
505 East Travis Street
Suite 207
Marshall, TX 75670
United States

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