Patent number(s): 
Patent owner / licensing entity: 
Date the letter was sent: 
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Published to Trolling Effects on:

Sunday, February 23, 2014
Sender business address: 
United States

Stephen B. Crain, Inventor of Synthetic Aperture Radar


Attn: IP Dept.
Nashua, NH

Re: Notice of Possible Infringement of WO2013040274 A3

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please be advised that _____ [SADAR3D] is the legal owner of U.S. Patent No. _____ [WO2013040274 A3], a copy of which is attached hereto and such patent information is made a part hereof by reference [Instruction: Ensure a copy of all the pertinent patent information is included with the letter when sent.] (the "Patent") and that it is our belief that your products, identified as Terrascan [Terrascan.] may be covered by the Patent and therefore may potentially be infringing the Patent. At this point, we have not assessed whether we intend to enforce this Patent and, therefore, you should not be concerned that a lawsuit may be filed against you. We readily acknowledge that this product existed long before our company, however, we did file for and receive a patent which we intent to enforce.

This letter is strictly for purposes of providing notice of potential infringement pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 287(a) and that it does not give rise to a cause of action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2201.

Optional Language: We would like to discuss the possibility of entering into a license for your use of the Patent. If such an arrangement would suit you, please contact me at your earliest convenience at the above-referenced contact information so that we may begin to discuss such matters.


Stephen B. Crain
Inventor of Synthetic Aperture Radar
Sadar 3D Inc.

Patent Information

Synthetic aperture radar apparatus and methods
Patent number: WO2013040274A3
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