Patent owner / licensing entity: 
Date the letter was sent: 
Monday, January 1, 2007

Published to Trolling Effects on:

Friday, December 20, 2013
\. , . . , , § S; vvV~ ;ggjg;;3§&¥*‘ V_,;;¥’*Wi; — __ ______,_,__> 5 __>__ j ,___>_>>_ .......... ``\`..`````.`.`\.``..````````````` * `Mmmw... ................... a ............. ` ......... ........~~````~````~.``.~`.```».»———»—————~»—-`·-—- — img §s3§`s;_;‘;;5;§§&¤§* §3`}”i€€¥`$§§i* msrk<$SpB:a·NS - M » -' R:. Acquisition •;wi’P1tic·aP1ay, {nc, ami; U Pmmt- ¤¤>¤¤· I { zum writirxg ycsu in rcgzmis in an a¤q¤1i1siti0u pmp<>s:1E ui“§,’ric¤§*lssy, Inc., the [m·zmcii»·<e1¥cici¤1g;Cuu;epzmy,and01:rin£·;:l1cctuz:l pmpccrzy. U.S. Pant<:mt:1,ii€h:d r _ The pamm covers zz xrmthudi to pdcc prcmiucis amd services am the ixwmmm 5 in which it ixwludms using axnxciinm www thm hmsmct fur am iaimmvsuitivc`masi:1e:ss music], I would like to ofTcr yam :2 license: oftixis pamm. We mw: also wiiimg to cumsidar ax me ·;»;§`<vu~r cum;r»a:1y, K bczlicvs: thm thc busixwss wsa have dcvclmgncd amd tim busixwss ametiacsd cmwsvci by Um - pmcm armies sigzxiiiczmi syxwrgisss wi1h_ F ¥¤ W¥¤i¤h ¤¤ vm <>f ¤ pmeizm or zservicc is s¤;sic¤1.m lisa: nczrtmsuamxnsa. E·`0;·¢:<.1c¤r;1¥<:, claim 18 e>i’i:hc saamxl smm 1 furnai claim 33 tim the mmic! i.zu:§1xd¤s zsusctiassta. Thxrs mv; ual that Ithiaxk we cum pmzmtiaxlly wmrk mgczthcrt 1. An zxn:q::isi»iiz>11 e>i'Prin:¤E‘§¤xy, kw. by 1 2. (ébtmlrs az liccusa uf our paxcmm icclmoimgy { 3. A pmmcrshi_;> to i:R1r1?wr’<k:vuE»;>g¤ wixh_ie¤i.zx·1+vcx1tx;rc. 4 Am i1’1v<sssnwn:§?u>::11 m Pricawny. I, have enclosed with this mail the US. Fazcm . I smggcsrt vm.: ta: vis}: S . . . ‘ ` ’ . g lsv imr:1 marc zxhuut Pmzwlzxy. You me w<:1,c¤m<: an mmmwnmacmc with me via: mzail si;=al;;;€§@;;1;ii;s;:;s1.zsy;:;e1s2iL E $ I Euuk §B;»rv»=amE in `imexr from yam. Simcgareiy, I _\_`_.. ~ -»~—- ___‘, € ._ _ __.,__ , _»,m__ `isk g \‘Ja1ym` Lim g @120 K `\.``\\``````\\\\\\\`\..`\`\..``\`.`.```.\```````\`````````.\.``````.````````````` Vséligmé _V HW? Q 1 @*45
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43 Solstice
Irvine, CA 92602
United States

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